路由# 321076470

第一次 置业指南

2024年2月3日 5分钟

拥有一套房子是许多会员财务目标的一部分. 除了提供住所, a home can create generational wealth or serve as a long-term investment. Understanding the process and knowing how to prepare are key ingredients to successfully achieving homeownership. 以下是我们对首次购房者的建议.

确保你准备好了 做出长期承诺

Buying a home is a decision that will result in long-term changes to your lifestyle and budget. 买房前, you should determine your readiness by asking yourself the following questions:

  • 我是否有稳定的收入来源?
  • Do I have an emergency fund that can cover 3-6 months of living expenses in case I lose my job?
  • 我能保证在家里住至少5年吗?

如果你不能对所有这些问题都回答“是”, you should consider taking a pause on homebuying until your situation changes.
在计算 买房子需要多少钱,考虑一次性支出以及新的、经常性的账单. 以下是为买房存钱时需要考虑的主要前期成本:

  • 定金: 你的 首付款要求 将取决于您选择的抵押贷款类型. Some conventional loans aimed at first-time home buyers with excellent credit require as little as 3% down, 但许多国家要求至少5%. For example, a 3% down payment on a $300,000 home is $9,000 while a 5% down payment is $15,000. 使用首付计算器来确定你需要存多少钱, and then set up automatic transfers from checking to savings to get started.
  • 关闭成本: 这些是你为完成抵押贷款而支付的费用和开支, 它们通常在贷款金额的2%到6%之间. 你的 closing costs on a $300,000 loan could be between $6,000 and $18,000. 那是你必须在首付款之外再付的钱. 在买方市场, 你通常可以要求卖方支付一部分成交费用, 你还可以省下一些开支, 比如家访, 通过货比三家寻找更便宜的供应商.
  • 入学费用: Remember to budget for moving costs, which typically run up to $2,500 for most local moves. (长途搬家通常要贵得多.) You may also need some cash after the home purchase to cover immediate home repairs, 升级, 家具和装饰.

Owning a home comes with ongoing expenses such as property taxes, insurance, and maintenance. Make sure you budget for these costs in addition to your monthly mortgage payment.

得到 预先批准抵押贷款

A preapproval shows sellers that you’re a serious buyer who can get financing quickly. 它还可以帮助你在购买房屋之前了解自己的负担能力. Nothing is worse than finding a home you love only to find out you don’t qualify for the mortgage or can’t afford the loan payments. Preapproval also helps you avoid last-minute surprises or delays related to qualification. 此外,了解 资格预审和预批准的区别 是关键:

  • 资格预审的信: 这是对你可能符合条件的估计, 根据对你收入的非正式审查, 债务, 还有其他信息.
  • 这份信: This is an official approval form that states how much you qualify for based on a careful review of documents including your income and assets, together with information gathered on 你的信用 history and credit score.


Buying a home is a decision and one that will result in long-term changes to your lifestyle and budget.”

检查和润色 你的信用

A 良好的信用记录 is essential when buying a home because it affects your mortgage interest rate and other loan terms. Lenders will pull 你的信用 report when issuing a preapproval letter and will monitor 你的信用 throughout the loan process. This is essential when buying a home because it affects your mortgage interest rate and other loan terms. Lenders will pull 你的信用 report when issuing a preapproval letter and will monitor 你的信用 throughout the loan process.

  • 免费检查你的信用报告 at Annual信贷Report.com. 寻找不准确的信息, 比如你不认识的账户, 并提出争议,要求删除任何不准确的信息.
  • 暂停新增信贷和采购. Opening new accounts or taking on new 债务 can impact 你的信用 score and could risk your loan approval
  • 及时支付你当前的债务. Even just one late payment can impact your ability to get a low interest rate on a mortgage.

如何 首次购房者贷款选择

有很多住房贷款的选择, 您选择的类型将部分取决于您的信用, 首付款金额, 你借了多少钱?

  • 传统的贷款: 传统贷款是最常见的住房贷款类型. 他们要么是规规矩矩的,要么是庞然大物, which refers to the loan amount being under or over the conforming loan limit. You can purchase a home with as little as 3% down in some cases, but many may require 5%.
  • 联邦住房管理局(FHA)贷款: An FHA loan can allow you to buy a home with less strict financial and credit score requirements than a conventional loan. 你可以得到联邦住房管理局贷款,分数是3.首付5%,信用评分低至620分. 如果你的分数低于580分,你将需要10%的首付.
  • 退伍军人事务部(VA)贷款: 退伍军人管理局贷款是专门为退伍军人提供的, 武装部队和国民警卫队的现役成员, 合格的配偶. 如果你有资格获得VA贷款,你可以零首付买房子.
  • 美国农业部贷款: USDA loans are for people who want to buy a home in a qualified rural or suburban area. You can get a USDA loan with 0% down, subject to household income restrictions.
  • 首付款援助计划: Many nonprofit organizations offer down payment help for borrowers who meet their specific requirements. 这些援助项目可以是赠款或贷款的形式. 通常你必须是首次购房者才有资格.

找到一个 房地产经纪人

一个好的 房地产经纪人 将帮助指导您完成购房过程. Look for an agent who has experience in your desired area and who is responsive. 另外, only a buyer’s agent will work on your behalf – don’t rely on the seller’s agent to represent your best interests. 买方代理可以通过以下方式帮助您:

  • 向您展示符合您需求和预算的房产.
  • 帮你决定出多少钱买房子.
  • 代表你方向卖方提交报价.
  • Assisting with negotiations between you and the seller’s agent after the offer is submitted.
  • 制定合同条款, 包括保证金(EMD), 也被称为诚信存款.

如果你出价买房子, you must usually provide an EMD as an act of good faith and to show you’re a serious buyer. This deposit is usually between 1% and 3% of the sale price and signals your commitment to the transaction. EMD会作为你的首付款. 然而, if you back out of the transaction for any reason not shown on the list of acceptable contingencies, 你有失去定金的风险.

得到一个 家里检查

A professional inspection can reveal hidden problems with the property that could affect its value or safety. You can use this information to negotiate with the seller or back out of the deal if necessary. This inspection is different from the home appraisal ordered by the lender, which provides an opinion of the home’s worth based on market trends and recent comparable sales (comps).
定金协议通常包括某些附带条款, which spell out allowable scenarios for cancelling the transaction without forfeiting the earnest money deposit, 包括房屋检查应急.
It may seem overwhelming, but Patelco is here to help guide you through the process. We can assist you every step of the way and help you avoid the common pitfalls that can trip up unprepared home buyers, 帮助你实现买房的目标!

