路由# 321076470

我需要多少钱 买房?

2019年10月9日 5分钟

对大多数人来说, 买房 is both an exciting and challenging venture—it is the quintessential American dream. 然而, 因为涉及的成本很高, 为买房而储蓄需要承诺, 研究, 有时是牺牲. This fact sheet will provide general information on the costs involved and the types of expenditures you will need to save for in order to buy your first home.

Your down payment will be the most significant outlay of your pre-purchase costs.”

的成本 买房子


首付款 will be the most significant outlay of your pre-purchase costs. 的 rule used to be that you needed to put down 20% of the purchase price, 你将获得80%的抵押贷款. Today, homebuyers can buy a home with as little as three to five percent down. 如果你付的钱少于20%, you will probably have to purchase private mortgage insurance, 哪一种要花你两美元 .5% to 1% of the loan amount until your equity reaches the full 20%. Keep in mind that the more you put down, the less your mortgage payment will be.


保证金 is a cash deposit you make when you submit your offer, which proves to the seller that you are serious about wanting to buy the home. Your real estate broker will deposit the money into an escrow account, 如果你的提议被接受了, it will be applied towards the down payment. If the offer is rejected, it will be returned to you. Typically the earnest money deposit will be about two percent of the price of the home.


关闭成本 include all fees required to execute the sale transaction, 比如律师费, 产权保险, 评估, 点, 税收托管. 这些费用通常是预先支付的. 的 average cost is three to five percent of the purchase price.


ou may also need to prove to the lender that you have some reserve funds to protect against potential cash flow problems. This not only is assurance for the mortgage holder, but is also for your peace of mind. 购后准备金 should be at least two to three months’ worth of housing payments. This money is recommended to be in a savings account and accessible without penalties for early withdrawal (though money in a retirement account can also be counted toward the reserve requirement).


So how much money will you need to come up with to buy a home? 实际数字取决于许多因素. You may have to save more or less for the same home depending on current interest rates, whether you get a fixed or an adjustable rate mortgage, 偿还条款, 你的信用评级. Other expenditures you may want to save for are landscaping, 立即维修, 重新装修, furnishings (particularly if you are moving into a much larger space), 搬家费用.


  • 20%首付款60,000美元
  • 3.5%成交费用10500美元
  • 3个月储备基金* $5,625
  • 预购总费用估计为76,125美元

* $1,875 per month for Principal, 感兴趣, Taxes and 保险. 以30年期固定抵押贷款为例, 6%的利息, $2,每年436美元的房产税和2美元,796年房主年度保险.

Want to review the costs for a different property price? 查看我们的 抵押计算器

教育 你自己

Obtaining high quality, objective home ownership education is essential for first time homebuyers. 的 Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) can put you in touch with the nearest housing counseling professional in your area by calling (800) 569-4287. You will learn how to develop a reasonable savings goal and time frame, 你有资格获得多大的抵押贷款, and the approximate price range in which you should be looking. You will also be given feedback about your credit score, and what you need to do in order to make improvements. 建议可能包括增加收入, 偿还债务, 结清未使用帐户, 支付托收账户, 纠正错误, and making timely payments for a specific time period.

回顾你的 支出计划

如果你还没有 制定预算, analyze your current financial position by reviewing all assets and liabilities. 不要忽视任何资金来源. Include all checking and savings accounts, CDs, stocks, mutual funds and savings bonds. Retirement funds such as a 401k or an 爱尔兰共和军 can be counted toward the reserve requirement. You may even be able to borrow against your 401k plan and use the proceeds toward the down payment (check with your human resources department for details and restrictions).

Prepare a cash flow 支出计划 to determine how much you can realistically save each month. You may choose to sacrifice some expenses or delay the purchase of non-essential items in order to meet your monthly goal.

保存 有效地

Some good techniques for effective saving include:

  • 在你的雇主那里建立直接存款, where a portion of your income is siphoned directly to a savings account. 看不到的东西,就不会错过.
  • 记录你的支出. 觉悟导致勤奋和节俭.
  • 让家人参与进来. It is easier to save when everyone is excited and working towards the same goal.
  • Tape a photo of the home or type of home you are saving for on the refrigerator or computer. It will be a constant reminder of your objective.

最终, 攒钱 因为家是一种选择. If you find your savings plan to be unfeasible, consider extending the time frame.

相反, if you really want to stick with the original time frame, you may want to buy a home that has a smaller purchase price—and buy “up” later. 的 idea is not to abandon the dream, but to reassess, reorganize, and reengage!

使用BALANCE的内容创建. 于2019年7月8日发布. 访问 patelco.balancepro.org 浏览更多财经内容.

